
Welcome to the site of Mary Villon de Benveniste

Discover the story, the art and the intentions of this portrait artist.

Review Mary's completed pieces by simply viewing her work, in both thumbnail and close-up. So detailed is each piece, when we enlarge an image, we find ourselves in the colorful landscape of each of her strokes whether in pastel, oil or sanguine.

Read Mary's biography, press releases and published articles. See more images of the artist at work in the studio or during unveiling ceremonies.

Listen to the audio and you will hear a radio interview with NPR News that allows us to hear Mary's voice and conviction about her world of art.

Learn the process Mary uses to capture the reality and the uniqueness of her every subject. Be it adults or children, the animals that accompany them or the background scenery that adorns the canvas, Mary is present in every moment of creating.


Telephone: (678) 200-0904
Email: maryvdeb@gmail.com


Pastel & Oil: Head to Shoulders

Pastel & Oil: To Hands

Pastel & Oil: Full Length

Pastel & Oil: Official Portraits

Portraits in Landscapes



Original Web Design by Mehdi Merabti
©Copyright Mary Villon de Benveniste 2007 All Rights Reserved